First off all i will talk about my expirience in sevilla in the spanish championships then ill talk about my trip to ireland with my best friend.The first thing I did on my summer was going to Sevilla to do my spanish championships. My team and I where very nervous because the peapole of the other teams where very tall and big. On the first day fore some reason i got some big, round, red spots on my arms, first I thaugt they where from the heat so i had a shower but they woldn't go away so me and my coach went to the farmacy, the peapole from the farmacy said it was an alergic reaaction to a tipe of clothing or food, and they gave me some pills, but they said it had side efects and it wold made me sleppy and tiered and in an hour time I had my first race so i could'nt take the pills, I said to my coach that i wold'nt take the pills after my race and he said okay. After my race we went back to the hotel and i changed the sheets of my bed and didnt take the pills, we went to sleep and the next day i didnt had the spots on my arms so i didnt have to take the pills. The last day where the finals and obiously me and my team where very nervous, finally we did the race and came third, now i am third of spain!!!

Then i went on a trip to ireland with my best friend, it was the best experience of my life.One day we went to a field full of cows and he lost his phone so we spent hours looking for it and we found it.
My oral presentation
Did you use any resources?
Were the resources focused on the topic?
Did you show/talk about the photos to the audience?
I showed them
Did you look at your audience most of the time?
Did you read from your notes?
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other hand, finally..)
Which ones?
after, then, after all...
CONTENT 0-4 :2'5
Did you introduce interessting iformation to your audience?
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet/ books..?
(Specify) Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original?
Detailed and original
Did you check your grammar?(verbs, word order...)
Did you use rich/new vocabulary looking up the dictionary? (synonyms/new words/expressions..)
Which ones?
Did you use sentence linkers?(and, but, moreover,also,furthermore,although,however...)
Did you use fillers? (well,you know, for example, one second, repeating a word...)
Did you know how to pronounce all your words?
Did you check the pronounciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone all the time?
I used a monotone tone all the time
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
With some interruptions and breaks
SELF-EVALUATION You are your teacher! What mark did you get? ;-) FINAL MARK:8,5
My mates' summer:
-Jana grabuleda: She spent a few weeks at a summer camp in sarria, she spent some days going to the beach and then she went to a concert. Later that summer she went to san francisco with her family.
-Alex callis:he spent his summer at home helping his dad and family. He did spend some days in llança because he has a house there. He went to london for 5 days and then spent a week in andorra.
-Aina arteman:she had spanish championships in sevilla on july, she came second after all. Then she went to manchester with some friends, then she spent one week in sant antoni de calonge with a friend.
-Alex rodríguez: He went to Reus for his catalan championships, he finished 15 out of 16000. Then he went to galicia with his family for 2 weeks in a house that his family ouns.
-Victor robinson: He did a concert in a road with his friend, he played the guitar. Then he went to a concert of Guns n' Roses. Then he went to france with his family fore 1 week.
-Marti felez: He went to portugal with his family fore 1 week. Then he went to a cruise that went to Italy and the rest of the meditarranium. Then he spent some days in llança with family and friends.
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